Nov 06 2008

Wedding or Odyssey?

Published by at 12:29 pm under odyssey,sketchbook

It’s interesting to be planning a wedding and drawing The Odyssey at the same time. There’s potentially some weird symbolic juxtaposition, but that’s not really on my radar. I’m talking about more concrete things, like how I have no time for the wedding planning, and how I keep my wedding notes in MS OneNote next to my Odyssey notes, so sometimes when I open OneNote to check my Odyssey reference, I see wedding rings, and when I open it to paste in links to possible reception sites I see photos of fat guys I got from the internet for reference.

And yesterday I started making a seating chart for the suitors:

A rough in-progress seating chart for Penelope’s suitors

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Wedding or Odyssey?”

  1. Dallas Don 22 Nov 2008 at 7:44 am

    I love it ! Be sure to post if the menu planning also starts crossing the line.

  2. adminon 22 Nov 2008 at 11:13 am

    Yes, perhaps to save on costs we should water the wine, forgo the utensils, and just roast some meat on skewers over an open fire.

  3. Wordgardeneron 28 Nov 2008 at 7:51 am

    Are you going to carve Alison a bed from a single tree though like Odey did for Penny? That could take some skill! Well, you know what they say…the 2B is mightier than the hacksaw…

  4. […] laughed when I read the other similarity he noted on his blog this week and hope you’ll click here to get a chuckle out of it […]