Dec 22 2009


Published by at 10:00 am under reviews,sketchbook,tools & tech

I saw Mongol recently on DVD. This movie is absolutely gorgeous. I just wish the story was as good as the direction, cinematography, costumes, etc, etc. They whitewash Genghis Khan, and they completely skip over the most interesting part: how did this guy rise to be leader of the most feared army in the world? However, like I said, it’s gorgeous, and I had a great time drawing from it. These sketches are all digital.

sketch by Gareth Hinds from the film “Mongol”

sketch by Gareth Hinds from the film “Mongol”

sketch by Gareth Hinds from the film “Mongol”

sketch by Gareth Hinds from the film “Mongol”

sketch by Gareth Hinds from the film “Mongol”

Anyone want to recommend a good book on Genghis Khan?

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Mongol”

  1. Ed Shemson 05 Jan 2010 at 5:01 pm

    What are you using to sketch digitally? Some really nice gesture drawings here Gareth.

  2. adminon 06 Jan 2010 at 10:51 am

    Thanks, Ed. Software: Photoshop (using some custom pencil brushes I made). Hardware: Fujitsu T4220 tablet PC.