Archive for the 'internet goodies' Category

Aug 20 2009

“Letter to Beowulf”

Published by under beowulf,internet goodies

This poem (by Paul Willis on VerseDaily, found by Alison while looking for unusual poems to read at the wedding) is awesome.

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Sep 06 2008

Odyssey progress

Finished the first round of edits on the Odyssey layout. I think it’s pretty solid, though I’m still wrestling a bit with the last couple of pages. The original ending is abrupt, and I’m trying to make mine a little less so, but it’s not easy. The total page count right now is 242. Yikes!

I created a Facebook group, called “Odyssey Helpers and Officionados” (yes, I mis-spelled that — I mean no, it’s a new word I made up!). If you’re interested, please join. Benefits currently include a chance to be in the book, and to chat with me and my friends/fans.

I still can’t share much Odyssey art, but here’s one of the layout sketches from the end of the book.

A rough layout sketch of Odysseus’ father Laertes throwing a spear at Eupithes

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Jan 21 2008

My theme song

Published by under internet goodies

Warning: do not watch this more than once, or it will be stuck in your head FOREVER!!!!

I Never Go To Work

They Might Be Giants podcast: “I Never Go To Work”

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